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Are you trying to conceive after 40 and struggling to stay positive?

Does your journey to baby feel hard or maybe even hopeless?
I was TTC for almost three years! It’s a journey filled with ups and sometimes mostly downs that can leave you feeling hopeless. I have created many articles that help you with managing your thoughts, journaling, money, a Q&A with a fertility specialist on common listener pregnancy challenges, and more to help get you started on a better path.
“I’m so thankful you have this space where women can learn and mommas can come together and encourage one another because I think we need more of that in the world.”

Kelli McClintock
Pregnant at 44
Join 40.40 Society
If you are TTC over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a better TTC experience and validate your feels with bi-weekly small support groups. Create friendships all around the world with women going through the same journey.
The Podcast

We share one woman’s pregnancy journey over 40, birth and postpartum every Monday. We laugh, cry, share a little TMI and openly talk about the ones we lost. Our mission is to help women have a better experience trying to conceive over 40. Not only is pregnancy possible over 40, but it can also be amazing! It’s not too late, and we are not too old!
Bonus: Birth Story
Bonus: Over Due
Pregnancy After Loss Over 40 Round Table Discussion
Continue Reading Pregnancy After Loss Over 40 Round Table Discussion