On episode 15, we have Candace from Memphis, Tennessee. She was 40 when she found out she was pregnant and 41 when she gave birth to her son, Aden.
Candace’s journey to motherhood started after she met her husband later in life. She had a miscarriage in a previous relationship and one quickly with her husband. The losses were tough for her, so she needed a break. And wouldn’t you know after the break was when she became pregnant with her son. She said she had a great pregnancy without any challenges, and her husband was the one with the cravings and pain!
Is it possible to lose weight during your pregnancy?
Her doctor told her he only wanted her to gain 20 pounds during pregnancy. She started eating better and exercising, so in the first trimester she lost weight while the baby was growing. During her third trimester she had cravings for milk shakes!
My body did what it was supposed to do.
Candace’s water broke suddenly at 3am! She uses the word ‘gush!’ Can you believe her in-law’s beat them to the hospital?! She wanted a doula during birth, but her family doctor wouldn’t allow it. What was important to her during labor though, was a really good playlist! She thinks the epidural caused her long-term pain, so she says she wouldn’t do it again! She had a vaginal birth that lasted 13 hours.
What made this fabulous: She says her pregnancy was perfect and didn’t have any challenges. Her husband had back pain and craved spicey food. She did say she indulged in a milk shake or two during the third trimester.
Here are the topics we discuss with Candace in this episode:
- Miscarriage
- Losing a parent
- Seeing a high-risk specialist
- Weight loss during pregnancy
- Cord blood saving
- Babymoon Vacation
- Life after bringing baby home
- Doula
- Medicated labor
- Breast feeding