On episode 13, we have Rhiannon from Pickerel, Ohio. She is a grandmother and 44 when she gave birth to her daughter.
Is it possible to get pregnant naturally when fertility treatment doesn’t work?
Rhiannon has 2 grown children from a previous relationship. She planned to have more children with her husband, but she was single. She planned and created a vision for meeting the man she would marry, and it worked! She even gave herself a deadline! She fell pregnant before her wedding day but miscarried during her wedding and honeymoon.
Don’t believe what everyone tells you. It is possible!
Getting pregnant was challenging for them after healing from the miscarriage. They went to a fertility specialist for medication to help her with ovulation she says. It didn’t work. What I didn’t mention is they have 9 children between her and her husband, so she wanted to sit back and rethink their plan for their 10th child. Having a child with her first husband was important to her. During this break she fell naturally pregnant!
She says her pregnancy was smooth sailing, no morning sickness, but she had to receive iron injections and had an increased appetite.
Here are the topics we discuss in this episode:
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Doula
- Postpartum Depression
- C-Section
- Breastfeeding
Enjoy Rhiannon’s pregnancy journey at 43 and birth and 44!